Saturday, August 15, 2009

Habermas gives seminar and lectures at Stony Brook

This fall, Jürgen Habermas will be teaching at The Department of Philosophy at Stony Brook University (see my previous post).

Habermas will give a graduate seminar: "From Political Theology to the Political Philosophy of Religion."

Course description: "This seminar will begin with a systematic comparison of two great German figures in first half of the last century, Leo Strauss and Carl Schmitt. Both stand for polar positions, one putting Classical Antiquity against monotheism, the other defending a return to a pre-Hobbesian Catholicism. Then we will engage the work of two important theologians, each representing different version of political theology, from the theological camp: Gustavo Gutierrez and Johann Baptist Metz. These comparisons then will be juxtaposed to recent discussions in the United States about public role of religion, especially as it is taken up in the work of Wolterstorff. The seminar, thus, moves from political theology formulated from without theology, to political theology formulated from within, to then conclude with a political philosophical analysis of religion in the public sphere that is agnostic and abstemious about theological claims."

Habermas will also be giving a couple of public lectures:

September 18-20, 2009
Critical Theory Roundtable
Keynote Address: Jürgen Habermas:
"From Worldviews to the Lifeworld: On the Genealogy of a Concept"

September 30, 2009
Jürgen Habermas: "
On the Concept of Human Dignity and the Realist Utopia of Human Rights."

October 7, 2009
Dialogues Across the Disciplines:
Jürgen Habermas and Eduardo Mendieta

See Habermas's website at NYU: here.

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